Submission Process

Authors are kindly invited to submit their formatted full papers/texts of poster sessions including results, tables, figures, and references. 


All paper submissions will be double-blind peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, research content, correctness, relevance to the Conference, and readability. Please read complete Call for Papers guidelines before submitting your paper.




If you are unable to submit your manuscript using the Online System, email it with complete details to the emails provided in Contacts.




Copyrightss belong to the publisher (unless otherwise provided by the License Agreement).


Using 3rd Party Materials

Please familiarize yourself with the Guide to Copyright and Permissions, which contains advice on including third-party content or material that you have created yourself and published elsewhere in your manuscript.
Third-party content is defined as any material within the manuscript that is not your original work. Third party content may consist of text passages, figures, photos, poems, song lyrics, screenshots, etc. and be found in many places such as, but not limited to, the Internet, print and online books and articles, theses, annual reports, conference material, photocopies, course packages, and translations. In particular, you should pay close attention to sensitive images containing identifiable persons, logos, brands/trademarks, images from agencies, or from the Internet as well as text content such as song lyrics, poems, interviews, social media content and references to commercial entities.
As author, you are responsible for clearing the rights for any third-party content. We recommend keeping all quotations and inclusion of copyrighted material to a minimum wherever possible, as gaining permissions can be time-consuming and expensive for the author.
To obtain permission to use third-party material in the manuscript visit the Rights Holder website or the Copyright Clearance Center. If the material is not found, please exert your best efforts to use
 Permissions Request Form for your request. If the rights-holder issues their own form, please ensure that the document they provide includes all Required Rights listed in the Guide to Obtaining Permissions’.


Declaration of interest
All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding.  Authors should fill in the Declaration of Interest Form and upload it to the submission system at the Attach/Upload Files step. In case there are no interests to declare, please choose: 'Declarations of interest: none' in the form. The statement will be published in the paper if accepted.


Submission declaration
Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract, a published lecture or academic thesis, see 'Publishing Ethics' for more information), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, including electronically without the written consent of the copyright-holder.


Handling of Non-Presented Papers

Authors are expected to attend the conference in person to present their papers and share their ideas. If a paper is included in the proceedings and is later identified as a non-presented paper, it will not be sent to and published.


Distant/Pre-recorded presentations (for e-conference)

Distant/Pre-recorded (video) presentations for all papers are supported.


English Language review

Papers must be submitted in English, together with a letter attesting their editing, signed by a specialist in English language (native or non-native speaker; language proficiency level - IELTS, TOEFL, PTE or others; full name; contact details - email, phone number in international format). All editing of English should be accompanied by a letter detailing the adjustments made in the original document.



Please note that the Conference Organizing Committee has a zero tolerance approach to any kind of plagiarism. We reject any papers with similarity index of over 10%. We reserve the right to retract any published paper after we receive a negative feedback. Prior to the submission, authors are strongly advised to make sure that their work is in line with the abovementioned. The authors may use of the available software packages to make sure that their work is original and has not published elsewhere. The following links might help: 

iThenticatePlagScanAntiplagiateTXTSmallSEOToolsAntiPlagiarismDupliCheckerPlagTracker1textPlagiarismaDustball Plagiarism Checker, etc.


Author Guidelines  

One author, including as co-author, cannot publish more than 2 papers in the Conference proceedings (for each type of publication).

The number of manuscript authors may not exceed 3 persons; for international groups - no more than 5 persons.

References should include no more than 2 sources/publications of the authors of the paper. The self-citation should not be higher than 10%.


Manuscript format

We accept files in .docx.

Papers should be thoroughly checked and proofread before submissions, after the paper submission you will be unable to make any changes in the reviewing process. Although, if the paper is accepted, you will have a chance to make minor revisions after reviewing and final submission of the paper.

Please follow the template style for all the above features.



Publishing type - Full Articles >>>

For conference proceedings with publication in series book


Paper template: zip archive

Please download the paper template and instructions here (Guidelines for Authors).


Primary requirements

  • Formatting by Template Full Articles. Download template.

  • Author Guidelines for preparing an Full article (download).

  • Examples (publication format in PDF): First example 1, Second example 2, Third example 3 (example only).

  • Examples of Full Articles (Word format).

  • Manuscript language - English.

  • The paper is limited to a minimum 5000 words and a maximum of 7000 words (which will be around 10-15 pages in publication format).

  • Insert an abstract of 150-200 words, giving a brief account of the most relevant aspects of the paper (usually includes the following parts - Background, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions).

  • Keywords. Insert 3-5 keywords.

  • JEL Classification. No more than 3 codes. [JEL]

  • The paper must contain at least 20 entries as References. Recommended for empirical articles include at least 1/3 of references must be no older than 2019 publication. The Conference Organizing Committee recommends the use of the references indexed by international research databases [Scopus, Web of Science, Springer, ScienceDirect, EBSCO, etc].

  • Reference style - American Psychological Association (APA) 7th, alphabetical list of references. 


Paper structure (recommendation)
Use the following paper structure (for empirical articles):

Introduction: to explain the background work, the practical applications and the nature and purpose of the paper.


The body of the paper should contain a primary message with clear lines of thought and validation of the techniques described. Recommended parts: 
Literature review. Critical analysis of current advances in this area of research.
Material and Methods. Provide comprehensive details to make the paper reproducible. The techniques already published need to be indicated with a reference: describe only relevant modifications.
Results. Results need to be completely clear. If the author(s) proposes a new method against the other existing method, a fair comparison between the new results and the old ones would be useful.
Discussion. This part must explain the significance of the results of the work. Avoid extensive citations and discussions of references.

Acknowledgements (when appropriate)
Appendix (when appropriate)


Theoretical articles may differ from this structure.



Publishing type - Articles RISC [] >>>

For conference proceedings with publication in Russian Index Science Citation (RISC) []


Paper template >>

Please download the paper template and instructions here. Formatting requirements in the template.

Manuscript language: English, or Russian.


Primary requirements

  • Formatting by Template Articles RISC (Author Guidelines). Download template  

  • The paper is limited to a minimum 2000 words and a maximum of 4500 words.

  • The paper must contain at least 10 entries as References. The Conference Organizing Committee recommends the use of the references indexed by international research databases [Scopus, Web of Science, Springer, ScienceDirect, EBSCO, etc].

  • Manuscript language - English, or Russian.